Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reading List

Some of you humans think that my sister is the brainy one. Well, you're wrong. 

Clearly, I'm the one who loves books. Just the other night I finished Neal Stephenson's 'Anathem' and now I'm onto theoretical ecology and population genetics. I especially like 'Chaos', it seems to explain how my brain works. ~M~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Scott: " Merkhet, get your poo-covered face out of my coffee. "

Merkhet: <stares out window>

Scott: " Are you trying to give me your brain bacteria? "

Merkhet: " I already gave you my brain bacteria... "

Scott: " Is that what makes me love you? The brain bacteria? I thought it was this handsome stripe down your back. "

Scott: " Your stripes totally make you look like you have feathers. Doesn't he look like he has feathers? "

Merkhet was spotted dragging his butt over the bathroom floor and around the hallway. The following was captured using cell-phone video technology...